The Blog

Two Perfect Dresses

June 6, 2022

Paige showed up with two dresses. One, a beautiful form-fitting blue dress. And another, an intimate lace dress to draw attention to her belly. And of course, isn’t that what it’s all about? The beautiful life growing inside of you. The miracle that’s happening right before your very eyes. What a gift that is. Her two dresses were the perfect combination for this love-filled maternity session. And little did I know, our time together would only get better.

We met at Talleyrand Park.

There was a beautiful tree with pink blooms that we spent most of our time by. When Paige and Jacob were tucked in for a picture, I swear I saw sparks fly. The two of them together are so uniquely energized and romantic. Both of them had commented on how they didn’t know what they were doing. I get it. It’s easy to feel that way in front of the camera. But behind the camera, everything they were doing was perfect. It was hard to imagine how this family could get even cuter. Enter Vincent.

Their family got even more beautiful.

I was greeted at the door by their adorable dog which I could have sat and pet for hours. Then I met their precious new family member. Vincent has the sweetest blue eyes. I know this because he was awake for almost the entire session. So curious and content. Everyone wants the sleepy pictures, which I understand. But I love the time when they’re awake because I get a little glimpse of their tiny sweet personalities, and I get to look into their perfect eyes.

I was greeted at the door by their adorable dog which I could have sat and pet for hours. Then I met their precious new family member. Vincent has the sweetest blue eyes. I know this because he was awake for almost the entire session. So curious and content. Everyone wants the sleepy pictures, which I understand. But I love the time when they’re awake because I get a little glimpse of their tiny sweet personalities, and I get to look into their perfect eyes.

So yes, I fell to adore this sweet family all the more. Paige and Jacob, thank you so much for reaching out to me! I have loved getting to watch your family grow into an even more beautiful one. Congratulations on your sweetest addition! I wish you lots of sleep and a lifetime of adventure.

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